donderdag 11 augustus 2011

I did it, back soon

Hello here I am again.And my promisse became true with coming back so soon. There is so much I want to share with you all. Let me start bij the beginning. That was my halloween quilt, after that I made a panel of Santa. You have to know that my husband is a real X-mas fan. He like everything about X-mas.
Ean than finally I made a quilt from log cabin, with the help of my sister Jeanne. On this moment I have no picture, but maybe in the future it will come. But...I can tell you that when I saw the methode of paper piecing to make the log cabins, I saw a lot of possibilities to use these methode. The easy way of making patchwork.

There came a moment that a nextdoor neighbour asked me to help her. She want to make her own panel with different kind of fabrics. So it became a panel with cats, she loves cats!! She gave me the fabrics that where left over and so I could make a small panel with that fabrics.

This is the first part of the panel, it became the top-part.

The second part, for the centre.

The third will be the last part at the bottom.

The result vieuw is shown below.
The name of this quilt is "Black cat".

This quilt gives me a little feeling of spring in the air. Perhaps by the edge of flowers.

This is it for this day.
Greetings, Jacqueline.

woensdag 10 augustus 2011

Here I am with pictures

Hello everybody,
It take some time before I came back, but here I am. I made some pictures from my very first quilt. The first was a panel for halloween. It makes me enthousiastic for quilting. I wanted more and more. I'll give you also some detail foto's.

And next the foto with almost the whole result of my first quilt.

I will do my best to be back quicker than I did now. See you soon,