Yes, my Costa Ricva wheel is ready, at least the top. Lovely, now I can starting about new patchwork. There is so much I want to do. In 2012 I want to build the little houses. Every day one is maybe to much for me, but I will enjoy with building houses. There is also a course making een quilt from border fabric. And in 2012 I will start my first BOM, "the farmers wife ponyclub", I am really looking forward to start. So you understand that I wish very creative patchwork and quilting year in 2012.
Hier is dan mijn Costa Rica wheel.
My Costa Rica wheel.
Dit zijn mijn kinderen, ongeveer 18 jaar geleden. Zullen we een witte kerst krijgen??
Ik wil iedereen alvast een hele fijne kerst toewensen!
This are my children years ago, about 18 years back in time. Will there be a white X-mas this year??
I will allready wish you all a merry X-mas!
Tot de volgende keer,
Hope to see you again,