maandag 19 december 2011

Yes it's ready

Yes, mijn Costa Rica wheel is klaar, tenminste de top. Heerlijk nu kan ik weer aan nieuw patchwork gaan denken, want ik wil nog zoveel. In 2012 wil ik graag meedoen met het huisjes bouwen. Iedere dag een huisje is misschien wat veel, maar ik ga wel mee doen. Verder ga ik nog een randen cursus doen en vanaf maart start ongeveer de \bom waar ik me voor heb opgegeven. Dat is "the farmers wife ponyclub". Ik heb heel veel zin om hier allemaal aan te beginnen, dus ik hoop op een heel creatief patchwork en quilt jaar.

Yes, my Costa Ricva wheel is ready, at least the top. Lovely, now I can starting about new patchwork. There is so much I want to do. In 2012 I want to build the little houses. Every day one is maybe to much for me, but I will enjoy with building houses. There is also a course making een quilt from border fabric. And in 2012 I will start my first BOM, "the farmers wife ponyclub", I am really looking forward to start. So you understand that I wish very creative patchwork and quilting year in 2012.

Hier is dan mijn Costa Rica wheel.

My Costa Rica wheel.

Dit zijn mijn kinderen, ongeveer 18 jaar geleden. Zullen we een witte kerst krijgen??
Ik wil iedereen alvast een hele fijne kerst toewensen!

This are my children years ago, about 18 years back in time. Will there be a white X-mas this year??
I will allready wish you all a merry X-mas!

Tot de volgende keer,

Hope to see you again,

dinsdag 13 december 2011

up-date Costa Rica

Hier ben ik dan met een up- date van mijn Costa Rica wheel. De buitenrand is nu klaar en ik ben met de binnenrand begonnen. Ik ben er helemaal door gegrepen en kan er niet genoeg mee bezig zijn. heerlijk om dat patchwork zo te zien groeien onder mijn handen.

Here I am with an up- date about my Costa Rica wheel. It is still growing under and in my hands. I love it to watch the growing of this patchwork.

Hier kun je zien hoe het aan het groeien is.

Look how it is growing.

Nu Kerst in aantocht is, en dus ook de kerstman wilde ik toch graag ook het volgende met jullie delen. Dit is één van de eerste panels die ik quilte, omdat mijn man zo gek op de kerst ia. Je snapt vast dat nu Sinterklaas weer vertrokken deze kerstman weer even mag hangen in de kamer.

Now X-mas is coming, I want to share this with you all. It is a panel that I quilted when I was just started with quilting. It's for my husband, because he loves X-mas. Now "Sinterklaas"is gone, Santa can come and hang in our living.

En nu dan nu de hele quilt.

And now the whole quilt.

Bedankt voor het langs komen en tot de volgende keer.

Thank you for reading my blog. Till next time.


zaterdag 10 december 2011

Costa Rica wheel

Sinds september ben ik bezig met het Costa Rica wheel. Dit is een quilt die Frits, mijn man, erg mooi vind. Zodoende ben ik deze quilt gaan maken, en natuurlijk vind ik hem zelf ook geweldig. Ik houd van de kleuren die er in worden gebruikt. Vanochtend heb ik de laatste grote punt afgemaakt en  alles even op tafel uitgelegd. Zo kunnen jullie zien waar ik nu druk mee ben. Er moet nog veel meer, maar de up-dates volgen wanneer ik weer een stap verder ben met dit patchwork. Ik wil namelijk de top heel graag dit jaar af hebben.

In september I started the Costa Rica wheel. This quilt is for my husband, Frits, because he likes it very much. Of course I also like the pattern and especially the colours! This mornig I finished the last big point. I lay it all on the table, so you can see what it is like. There is much more to do before I can finish the top. I will informed you all when there is more. I really wish to finish this top this year.

Hier een eerste indruk.
First impression.

Voor 2012 staat er het nodige te wachten. Ik ga namelijk meedoen met huisjes bouwen (wie niet??).
Next year there is much I wish to make, we will see if  my wishes come true.
I certainly want to build houses ( like many quiltsers).

Tot de volgende keer, nog een fijne dag.
See you again and have a nice day

vrijdag 9 december 2011


Hier ben ik dan weer en er is het nodige gebeurt. Eind november ben ik met Jacqueline naar de quilt en handwerkbeurs in Arnhem geweest. Dit was een hele gezellige en leuke dag. Natuurlijk ook de nodige lapjes gekocht. Je kunt er tenslotte nooit genoeg hebben, en er is zo veel moois te koop. En ik wordt er zo blij van!

Here I am, and there is a lot o tell. The last weekend of november I went to Arnhem with Jacqueline. There was scholoarship for quilting and needlework. It was nice to be there together, and of course there were some fabrics I wanted. You can never have anough fabrics, I think. And it makes me so happy!!
Scrap pakketjes, erg fijn voor het huisjes project in 2012.
Some srap, very nice for the house project I want to start in 2012.

Ook heerlijk een borduurpatroon! Dat is het gevaarlijke als er zo veel variatie is, ik vind naast quilten ook andere handwerkjes heel leuk.
Some embroidery. Very dangerous the variation in Arnhem, because I like so much needlework.

En natuurlijk was het ook Sinterklaas. Dat mogen we niet vergeten. Ik heb me heerlijk uitgeleefd op een surprise met de nodige gedichten. En natuurlijk cadeuatjes en voor iedereen een chocoladeletter. Al met al hadden we een hele gezellige avond.
And of course we celebrate Sinterklaas, this is a real Dutch holiday. I bought nice presents, chocolate initials for everyone. And I made a nice surprise and some poems. That's how it is with Sinterklaas. Above it was a very pleasant evening. I love this dutc holiday!!

Thank you for reading!
Groeten van Jacqueline

woensdag 23 november 2011

Het vervolg - to be continued

Allereerst is het vandaag een bijzondere dag, het is de verjaardag van mijn moeder. Helaas leeft zij niet meer, maar het blijft altijd een dag dat ik aan haar denk. Tenslotte was ze wel mijn moeder, en een hele goede waar ik mooie en dierbare herinneringen aan heb.

First I will let you know that it is a very special day. Today is the birthday of my mother, it's a day I'll allways think of her. By the way, she was my mother, and a very good one she gave me beautiful memories which I cherish.

Ik ben ook nog jarig geweest en toen heerlijk verwend met mooie stofjes o.a. van Jacqueline, hobby verf van decofin en plantjes voor buiten en binnen, bloemen. Daarnaast ook de nodige mooie kaarten en van Stella een geweldig boekje zelfgemaakt. Ik werd er stil van, zo mooi en persoonlijk.

Here I am with a new post. Also I had my birthday with beautiful gifts, fabrics, hobby paint, plants and flowers. From my sister Stella I had a wonderful and beautiful card, more a litle book. Very personal and I love it!

Dit is een foto  van dat leuke boekje dat ik kreeg, op Stella haar blog staan nog meet foto´s
This is one picture of the little book I got, take a look on het blog and you can look for the other pictures.

Verder heb ik afgelopen weekend een hele gezellige zussendag gehad. Ik heb er namlijk 5, dus dat was een hoop geklets, gelach, koffie, lekkers en gezelligheid bij elkaar. Ik heb ervan genoten, en de rest ook. We proberen het jaarlijks te doen, maar van mij mag het wel 2x per jaar. Wie weet komt dat er nog eens van. We wonen tenslotte nogal uitelkaar, door heel Nederland en dan is het heerlijk om eens een dagje zo samen te zijn. Naast 5 zussen heb ik ook nog 2 broers die me zeer dierbaar zijn.

Last weekend I had a very nice sister-day. Together we are with 6 sisters and 2 brothers, yes totaly 8 and it is lovely to have them. I enjoyed being together, much laughing, talking, eating. Now it is once a year we have sissy-day, maybe we should do it twice a year. Because we aare living in different places here in Netherland, and it is lovely to be together.

           Hier dan een foto van de 6 zussen samen.
  Op de bank van links naar rechts: ik, Jeanne, Annelies, Ingrid,
Zittend op de vloer: Stella links en  Loni rechts..

 This picture is six sissies together
On the couch from left to right:
me, Jeanne, Annelies, Ingrid,
And sitting on the floor: Stella on the left and Loni on the right.

Tot de volgende keer.
See you next time, I hope so.


dinsdag 22 november 2011

Twee maanden later - Two months later

Hier ben ik dan eindelijk weer, na een maand of twee. Er is veel gebeurd. Samen met mijn zus en zwager hebben we hier in huis het één en ander geklust. Slaapkamer deuren geschilderd, overloop geschilderd en het toilet beneden vervangen en opgeknapt. Wat is dat heerlijk dat het allemaal klaar is. Het was heerlijk om een aantal dagen te hebben met mijn zus en zwager. Buiten het jklussen hebben we heerlijk gegeten, veel gelachen en natuurlijk wat met lapjes gedaan. Stella en ik zijn naar Marken geweest voor folklore stof en hebben een leuke simpele tas gemaakt.
Al met al was het dus heel leuk en gezellig.

Finally here I am again, after 2 months. There was a lot to do, so I think I need some time to up-date you in this writing on my blog. I was very busy in our home. Frits, my husband, and I had a vacation of one week. We worked very hard, together with Stella and Marcel. My sister and her husband came to us and helped. We did a lot together in our home, like carpentry, painting and enjoying to be together for some days. It is lovely to be together for a few days when you are not living in the same city. The painting upstairs, bedroom doors and the door of the bathroom. We  painted all in off- white and it looks so bright. And we also changed the bathroom downstairs, a nem toilet, new tiles and painting. I can tell youit became a palace.
Stella and I have been to Marken, a little island-village where they sell nice `folklore` fabrics. We bought some an d produced a simple bag.

Hier wat hollandse bontjes die liggen te wachten op gebruik. Alleen het hebben en kunnen pakken is al heerlijk.
This are some dutch fabrics, these are waiting for sewing, but having them is also lovely.

Ik zal mijn best doen om op korte termijn weer wat te posten.
I´ll do my best to be back soon.

                                             Tot later, Jacqueline

zaterdag 17 september 2011

My brother in law

Hello everyone,

Here I am again. First I will write an explanation for the quilt I'll let you see.
My brother in law, Marcel, is a great fan of the local football in Groningen. He wished he had a quilt in the colors of his club, green and white. My sister didn't really like that colors for her living. But...his wish was great and he is special for me and my family. So I decieded to made some green and white for him. Of course I told my sister Stella that I started to make a quilt in his favourite colors with the logo of his club. She likes what I was making, so the proces of paper-piecing could go on.
At the end of august Stella and Marcel came to us for the weekend. I quilted as quick as possible and I made it. The quilt was ready, and wrapped in a green paper for him. His face was priceless when he had unpacked the present.

Here will follow some pictures.
This detail is the logo of the club, FC Groningen.

And here the whole quilt.

I can tell you that he's very fond oF this blanket!
You will understand that I do well.

Thank you for reading my blog. If you want you can leave a message, I would appreciate.

Greetings, Jacqueline

Continuation of Leiden


Finally I have the pictures on the laptop, so I can show you something from the quilts I have seen.

This 1st foto is a detail from a quilt in blue colors.

 This is a weather forecast for the future, this has impressed me.

There was much more that impressed me.
I should say watch and judge for yourself.

This is the same corner as the next foto.

Same corner, other side.
Front and back made no difference with quilting.

This was a spatial (3D) quilt

First a detail from the white on white quilt.

And finaly the whole quilt. This is one of a several which did my mouth fell open.

Many foto's, less talk, but I think you must see a part of what I have seen in Leiden.

Greetings,  Jacqueline

woensdag 14 september 2011

Leiden 9 september 2011


Finally I can tell you about de exposition in Leiden. I decided to go there friday morning when I was standing up. After een quick breakfast I jumped in my little blue car en went to Leiden. After paking and a short walk, along very nice shops I came near the "Pieterskerk". Thats the place I want to be that moment.
It was over welming to be there and to see what everybody has made. There were beautifull handmade quilts, machine and hand quilted quilts, art quilts and so much more. It was just lovely to be there and see the quilts. This time I was alone, and it was good to be there. When you´re alone you can walk as quick or slow as you like. Of course with some one it´s nicer and more sociable. Unfortunately it´s not always possible to go together. Maybe next year I can go with one of my sisters?!
There were also different quilt shops with there fabrics and lot of supplies. I bought some fabrics, a pattern and a ruler with inches that was still missing in my range. And.... there was a quilt ring on a standard, so you can use both hands when you are quilting. I decieded to buy this beauty.When I was walking to my car I felt so happy and rich. It was really worth to go to Leiden and next year I will be back on the exposition of 2012 from "het Quiltersgilde"

Here my sewing (quilt) angel from Jim Shore!

Thank you for reading the blog.
Greetings and until next time,

vrijdag 9 september 2011

More spring 2011

In april of this year there was a planning for a sissy-day. I am so rich that I have 5 sisters and 2 brothers. Unfortunately it could not taken place, because of illness and other sorrow. 
So I decided to make my first quilt of a jelly roll.
The jelly roll and pattern were both still waiting in my cupboard to became a colour-full patchwork-top.
The jelly-roll is from fabric Freedom and was called red-orange.

First of course some details.
The beginning is the patcwork top, here a close-up.

After finishing the top the real work could start...quilting. I choose for 3 different patterns which I really like to quilt, a bird, a heart and a star. This pattern is the silhouet from glas hangers from Hadeland (Norway). When I was a child I got this from my parents and besides the marvelous look of this glas hangers I also honored the form in this quilt- pattern.

Because of the warm colours in this patchwork I gave this work the name "zomer",
this is the dutch word for summer.

By the house where we live there is a public green with a table.
I though that what Mr. Fasset could do, must also be possible for me.
That was a perfect place with sun to fotography my quilt.
Look here for the result!

Thank you for visiting my blog,


donderdag 8 september 2011

Spring 2011

How nice you are here and looking and reading on my blog.
The visit to the exposition in Leiden is in the planning. I hope that I can visit it on friday or saturday.
I will let you know when I were there.

Last spring I made also some quilts without lessons, just home with the knowledge I had about patchwork and quilting.
The first you can look at is a quilt made for our grandson, Levi he is born on may 15th. An adorable boy who made our live also richer than before. And I can tell you that we were rich and blessed with 2 healthy son's. But...Levi is adorable and brings new feelings of love in our life. The feeling of became a grandma, is something I cann't catch in words. It's over welming ( I hope the writeing is clearly for you).

First there is a detail of the back, so you can see the hearts  I quilted and all the corners have a bird.

Here a detail of the patchwork that was made for the top.

And of course the whole quilt, that was made with lots of love for a child that was expected when I made this.

Now we know his name is Levi and he sleeps well under the quilt.

thank you for stopping by and hope to see you soon!


woensdag 7 september 2011

Sampler Quilt

Hello everybody,

Finally I am back . On this moment I have vacation with my husband. It is lovely to have time to do the things you like to do or not to do (the last means doing nothing), and also doing the simple things of life together. We both enjoy it that there is a moment now we don't have to work. Next week normal life start again, but at this moment I don't want to think about it. I enjoy every moment.
This weekend there is een exposition of quilts in Leiden, the theme is weather. You certainly understand that I want to go there. It's almost 1 hour from my home and it's very nice to visit. When I have news over this exposition I will let you know.

With the folowing pictures you can see what my result is of a cursus to make a sampler quilt. I did this last spring en enjoyed it very much. I had made some panels that I had quilted and also some paper piecing.
In this cursus I learned to use templates, and that has made that I saw a whole new world of possibilities for patchwork and quilting. I like patchwork and quilting even more than I did before.

Here are 2 of the blocks from the sampler I made, in totally there were 9 blocks.

This is before sewing.

After several weeks, months and a lot of cutting and sewing there was a result of 9 blocks that made me very happy, I can tell you that it became more than I expected to made.
On the next picture you can see the first result of my blocks.

The followong pictures will show you some details of quilting after finishing the top.

And finally this is the result!!!

Thank you for visiting my blog.

donderdag 11 augustus 2011

I did it, back soon

Hello here I am again.And my promisse became true with coming back so soon. There is so much I want to share with you all. Let me start bij the beginning. That was my halloween quilt, after that I made a panel of Santa. You have to know that my husband is a real X-mas fan. He like everything about X-mas.
Ean than finally I made a quilt from log cabin, with the help of my sister Jeanne. On this moment I have no picture, but maybe in the future it will come. But...I can tell you that when I saw the methode of paper piecing to make the log cabins, I saw a lot of possibilities to use these methode. The easy way of making patchwork.

There came a moment that a nextdoor neighbour asked me to help her. She want to make her own panel with different kind of fabrics. So it became a panel with cats, she loves cats!! She gave me the fabrics that where left over and so I could make a small panel with that fabrics.

This is the first part of the panel, it became the top-part.

The second part, for the centre.

The third will be the last part at the bottom.

The result vieuw is shown below.
The name of this quilt is "Black cat".

This quilt gives me a little feeling of spring in the air. Perhaps by the edge of flowers.

This is it for this day.
Greetings, Jacqueline.

woensdag 10 augustus 2011

Here I am with pictures

Hello everybody,
It take some time before I came back, but here I am. I made some pictures from my very first quilt. The first was a panel for halloween. It makes me enthousiastic for quilting. I wanted more and more. I'll give you also some detail foto's.

And next the foto with almost the whole result of my first quilt.

I will do my best to be back quicker than I did now. See you soon,

donderdag 14 juli 2011

The beginning

Hallo visitor of this blog,

This wil be the beginning for me with "blogging". I think I need a lot of time to make it worth to visit.
But... beginning is hard, and I made the first step. I'll do my best for an english blog, but you have to know that I am not a language wonder, so it will make you laugh loud now and in the future.

This is it for the first time. I will place some pictures of my quilts and other creative handmade objects.

See you,